
Gastronomos at Dexamenes

Gastronomos Magazine at Dexamenes...

Dexamenes Inspired Architecture

What is Real and What is Not? What is physical? What digital? The inquiry into the nature of reality, the boundaries between the real and the unreal, the physical and...

Gucci at Dexamenes

Gucci at Dexamenes...

Callista at Dexamenes

Callista at Dexamenes...

Staff Jeans at Dexamenes

Staff Jeans at Dexamenes...

AI art, still considered art?

The question of whether AI-generated art is still considered art is a topic of ongoing debate in the art world and broader philosophical circles. Opinions vary depending on individual perspectives...


A wine tasting performance by Panos Profitis and Despina Charitonidi.

Part of Kantharos Gatherings, Conceptualized and Curated by Eleni Tranouli.
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